Encounter with Silence July 22-29, 2011
accommodations at the Monastic Guest House $475.00
accommodations at the Retreat House $425.00
When making reservations, please specify Monastic Guest House
or Retreat House - thank you!
For questions or additional information, please
call 724-834-3060, Ext. 139.
Truth must bear fruit in love, and love must proceed from truth. These words of the late Father John J. Hugo crystallize the completeness of Christianity that the Encounter with Silence memorably conveys.
Thousands of lay and religious people have made the Lacouture-Hugo retreat (now called Encounter with Silence) over the past 75 years. The Retreat became a marker of profound change for them; six days of silence in which to realize the love of Christ and the demands of His Gospel.
The late French-Canadian Jesuit Father Onesimus Lacouture gave the first Retreat to priests in 1931. Father Hugo began to give it to the laity soon after. Father John Mary Tompkins, OSB currently carries on that tradition. Perhaps the most famous lover of the Retreat is the Servant of God Dorothy Day. She made the retreat over 20 times and wrote of it in her books.
The retreat creates a spiritual hothouse of strict silence, profound prayer and Holy Mass. It then plants the seed of conversion by showing that Christ's teaching must be radically change our lives, and especially our mentality: Christianity demands more than respectability and natural virtue. Christians are called to holiness and perfection.
It boldly challenges the purely human thinking of our times with divine truth.
It converts the already Christianized.
Join us in holy silence and be transformed, so
that the Church and Her saints can transform the world.
� Rosemary Fielding 2007
For additional information on the retreat
the writings of Father John Hugo, visit